Strategic Energy Management (SEM)

$0.02/kWh of estimated savings

What is it?

The Strategic Energy Management Pathway (SEMP) is an energy efficiency pathway targeted to Arkansas commercial and industrial customers served by SWEPCO. Customers will be provided with assistance in identifying qualifying opportunities to save energy, quantifying energy and demand savings, and completing project applications, as needed. Monetary incentives will be paid to eligible Participants for the implementation of a wide range of electric energy saving SEMP opportunities at qualifying non-residential facilities. Participants in the SEMP must meet minimum eligibility criteria, comply with all pathway rules and procedures, and execute a project application with SWEPCO, as more fully described below. Eligible SEMP opportunities are typically no and low cost behavioral and operational changes, such as instructing employees to turn off equipment at the end of the week that would otherwise idle throughout the weekend.

Am I eligible?

A participant must complete eligible electric energy efficient opportunities at a SWEPCO-served non-residential facility. Eligible Participants may include customers and participating contractors such as national or local energy service companies (ESCOs) and national or local companies that provide energy-related services or products.

How to get it

  1. Email Greg Perkins or call 479-973-2435 for more details.
  2. We’ll notify you once you’re approved.